Are you looking for a Private Rehab centre? What has led you to think that this could be the answer for you? Is it because you are aware that it is almost impossible to obtain alcohol rehab on the NHS or to get funding for it? So you have come to the realisation that you will have to pay for private alcohol rehab even if the price seems way beyond your reach? Or is it that paying is not an issue – but you want your rehab to be truly ‘private’ so that no one knows you are in need of rehab. and are going there? Maybe you do not even want your GP to know you need rehab as you do not want anything to do with alcohol on your medical notes?

Let’s get the privacy element out of the way first. If you go to a private alcohol rehab there is no need for anyone to know. There is no obligation for the rehab to inform your family, your work, your GP or anyone else. They will however need to take your medical history. They will need next of kin contact details in case of a medical emergency. They may encourage you to tell close family about your situation. There is no obligation for you to do so. You can even request to have any medical records and notes of your stay there destroyed when you leave.
Private Alcohol Rehab
However, if you are looking for a private addiction rehabilitation clinic because you cannot find a state funded one then let me reassure you it is worth it. What price can you put on changing and saving your life? If you get well and are of working age. Then you will be in so much a better place to earn the money and get it back.
In a recent episode of Coronation Street, Peter Barlow needed to get into rehab and was told by his GP that if he wanted rehab quickly then he would have to go to private alcohol rehab. The GP quoted a price of £5000 a week! If you want to find a alcohol rehab that costs this much. There are some around but in most cases you do not need to spend this much. You should be able to get a 28 day programme in a private alcohol rehab for less than half this price (under £9000). This should include aftercare.
So what will you get in terms of treatment at a private alcohol rehab? You should get an assessment from a psychiatrist or specialist GP and if you need it you should be prescribed a detox. So you should be able to stop drinking or safely and comfortably without suffering too much from withdrawal symptoms. More importantly you should get intensive counselling in order to look at the reasons for you getting addicted to alcohol. What is it about the way you feel or felt as a child that led you to initially like drinking? Were you an anxious child? Did you lack confidence? Or have you had some very challenging experiences in your life that have led you to use alcohol to escape the emotional pain?
12 steps
You should cover all these elements in your counselling. You should also learn about the 12 step programme as this has been proven to be the most successful treatment programme to follow. The Haynes Clinic is a private alcohol rehab which offers all of the above. Assessments and advice are free of charge. So please call if you are looking for any help or advice or looking for a private alcohol rehab.