Some of us believe in fate and that much of our lives are pre-ordained. Others of us believe we have to make our own luck in life. My own views are something in between the two – having a higher power (God) in my life. I do believe that there is some influencing on our journey in recovery from God on my daily life. However, I also believe that human beings can determine the outcome of their own lives to a large extent. God may put certain opportunities my way but it is up to me to take those opportunities and make the most of them. If we think God is entirely in charge of our lives, we can sit back and do nothing and make no plans for our life at all.
Nothing will happen, we will be bored, probably economically poor and lacking in self-fulfilment. Alternatively, we can make rehabilitation plans and understand that those plans may not work out entirely as we made them as other things may intervene (both other people and events). But that should not stop us making plans and reacting to intervening events as best we can and in line with what we know. We should do – if we are following our twelve step programme.
Goals and ambitions – Our journey in recovery.
We are all on a journey. Many of us have a planned destination (our goals and ambitions) and some of us will get there. We may have to deviate along the way as unexpected life events occur. Some of us will end up at a different destination to the one planned. We may decide we are in a better or less good place. Some of us may reach our destination or the stopping places along the way and find it is not what we were expecting. Giving truth to the expression ‘be careful what you wish for’. We have to live life on life’s terms but if we can stay clean, sober and debt free , fulfilled and happy, our life will feel pretty good.

12 step programme
We have a much better chance of living a happy and complete life if we follow the twelve step programme. We can sometimes be in danger of not finding time to live it to its full extent. If this is the case, ask yourself what your recovery has given you? Would you want to go back to the old miserable days of drinking and using? (And don’t forget how bad they were at the end – your illness might try to make you remember only the good times you had with your drinking and using in the early days). Make time to live a good life in recovery. Think how much time you devoted or lost to drinking or using. If you can devote even a fraction of that time to focus on a good recovery. You are in with a good chance of enjoying your journey!
The Haynes Clinic is an alcohol, gambling and drug rehab clinic which offers detox and counselling for people with addictions. It follows the Twelve Step Programme of recovery.
Call 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice.