How is it going?
Dry January – How is it going so far? Has it been a really positive experience in which you have felt healthier and happier? Or has it been a real struggle, boring, miserable and you cannot wait to have that first drink and a good old drinking session? Have you been counting the days till the end?
Why did you decide to partake in Dry January?
Why did you get involved in Dry January in the first place? Was it to give your body a rest after the excesses of Christmas? Or was it because you knew you were generally drinking too much and needed to get some control back over your drinking?
What is Dry January?
Dry January was introduced by Alcohol Concern in the UK and every year apparently millions of people take part. Lots of people feel that they drink too much or too often. Many people know that they will benefit from some time off. A month off gives us time to have a break and reset our relationship with alcohol. A month off alcohol lowers our blood pressure, reduces our risk of diabetes, reduces our cholesterol and reduces the cancer related proteins in the blood (alcohol consumption is related to 7 forms of cancer). Going alcohol free also helps us to lose weight, to sleep better and also to save money! Alcohol is a major cause of depression (it is a chemical depressant). Many people who take part in Dry January decide permanently to maintain a reduced level of alcohol consumption because of the benefits they receive during the dry month.
These people who can easily make a decision to cut down on their alcohol consumption and find that they do not need alcohol to have a great time probably did not have a massive problem with alcohol in the first place. Therefore, they can make an easy decision to cut down in the future and to realise all the benefits.
Alcohol Dependency
People who are dependent and drink alcoholically tend to struggle through Dry January. It is like running a marathon with the finishing line some distance away and it is a real challenge to reach it. Many do not get there. If they do, they then have a massive binge to ‘celebrate’ and all the benefits of Dry January are lost. Just like that!
Ask for help!
If you are struggling, or did not get to the end of Dry January and are now worried about your drinking, there is help available. If you get professional help you can have as many months dry as you like – for ever if need be – and it does not have to be difficult or boring. The difference once you get the right help is that you are happy not to drink and accept that you do not drink. That is a subtle but ultimately big difference from having to use your will power not to drink. We are not weak people and can always use willpower if need be. But that is no way to live. When we have to get through each day on will power it is challenging and boring. ‘One day at a time’ does not refer to struggling through each day on willpower. It is about enjoying living each day, living for the present and having no regrets.
If this sounds like a good way of life and you would like help with giving up drinking, then contact us here at the Haynes Clinic.