Honestly I did not want to go to a alcohol rehab. I don’t suppose many people do. After trying so many ways to address my drinking and putting off dealing with the problem. I could not put it off any more. I went to the doctor, I went to counselling and I went to AA. I did these things to make my family think I was doing something about the problem. In reality, I was not prepared to give up drinking at that time. It had to get worse before my back was against the wall and rehab seemed the only option.
If I am honest with myself, even then I did not expect it to work. I spoke to an understanding woman on the phone who gave me a little bit of hope. She had managed to give up alcohol a number of years before.
I then drank up until the last moment when we set off for the clinic. I did not really think that would be my last drink – just my last drink before I did rehab.
On arrival at the alcohol rehab
When I got to the clinic I was booked in – so far so good. I managed that! However, I was surprised when they took my mobile off me for the first week. Soon, I realised this was not going to be a relaxation type experience where you could do what you want. I meekly handed it over. I was also surprised when they checked through my luggage – that I had not brought any alcohol in with me. That had not crossed my mind but I understand some people might try it on.
Then, I met the people I was going to be in treatment with. Not realising how closely I was going to bond with them at the time and how vital a part of my rehab experience they would be. I also met the counsellors who were going to help me. To this day, I am indebted to them. I do not believe that I would have got well without them.
Alcohol Rehab Accommodation
My accommodation was comfortable. I had my own room and it was well appointed. Although, again I was surprised that there were no televisions in the room. As I settled in though, I realised why. First you are so busy there is little time to watch television (though there was a tv lounge but there were ‘rules’ on when it was Ok to watch TV and relax!). Also, because many of us isolate in our rooms before going to rehab, you are encouraged not to isolate in your room but to join in with the rest of your group.
I saw the doctor and was prescribed a detox which over the next week was administered by staff. Soon,I began to feel better and did not experience withdrawal too badly once on the medication and not at all after a few days. I was given my first assignment – writing my life story.
Self Care
Another big surprise for me was having to cook our own meals and clean up after ourselves. At first I felt a bit affronted by this – surely for the amount we paid we should not have to do that. However it was explained to me that for some people this is an important part of the rehab experience – to learn to care for ourselves properly again and to live a healthy and acceptable lifestyle. And I have to admit, cooking meals together was fun – sociable and we all enjoyed cooking our signature dishes for the rest of the group to enjoy. Food was brought in for us as we requested and eating together became an important and enjoyable part of our day.
Hard Work
Rehab was hard work. Being in therapy – mainly groups – Monday to Friday all day and we always had written work to do. We were also introduced to 12 Step Groups, such as AA and advised that we needed to keep going to these at the end of our rehab experience. We were also advised to get a sponsor at our local AA meeting and to work the 12 Step Programme with our sponsor. Aftercare was also provided at the clinic and I went to this quite regularly in the early months of my recovery.
Enjoyable experience
Amazingly, I enjoyed my rehab experience (and that is aside from it being one of the best things I ever did, saving my family relationships, my job and lifestyle and probably my life). We laughed so much, we cried, we were angry, sad, happy – but perhaps most important of all we found hope for a happier more fulfilled life.
Consider a alcohol rehab admission
That hope has now turned into reality. My rehab experience was several years ago. My experience was at The Haynes Clinic – and I would thoroughly recommend you go there if you want the best alcohol rehab experience you can get. It won’t be easy. You won’t love every day. You will find the counsellors practice tough love. But you will have the best chance of getting well and changing your life for ever. Tel 01462 851414 if you want to find out more!