Private drug rehabs are not cheap, but worth it.
Private drug rehab is not cheap. Most rehabs will not give you a great deal of change from £10,000 for a full treatment programme and you will not even get a detox for less than a 4 figure sum. However, people from all walks of life from rich to poor manage to attend private drug rehab because they have no option and for most people it is worth it.
What are the options?
There is free help available, and a good starting place is your GP. He or she may be able to help you detox from the drugs you are taking by prescribing some medication to help with your withdrawal symptoms and any anxiety that might result from this. You may be referred to your local drug and alcohol service where you possibly could receive some counselling support and advice. As these services are free of charge to you, they are certainly worth trying.
However, for many people with drug dependency problems this help is not enough. The draw of using is too much both physically and psychologically and the GP’s medication (if any) is insufficient. Attending the local drug and alcohol service once a week is not enough to get or stay clean. It is an hour or so of support, but the remaining 167 hours or so you are battling with the same feelings of desperation and a need to use.
Self Help Groups & Fellowships
There is another option which is free of charge and that is attending Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. These fellowships are sisters (or brothers if you prefer) to Alcoholics Anonymous. If you go there you will meet with other people who have felt exactly the same as you. They have also stopped using drugs and are living life free of drugs and getting the best out of it. They will give you support and hope and share their own experience with you. You will be introduced to and invited to follow the 12 Step Programme of total abstinence. This offers a new way of living, free of guilt, anger and resentment.
Sometimes people need a more intense treatment programme
Some people with drug addiction can get and stay clean through Narcotics Anonymous and through other similar 12 Step fellowship groups. However many cannot get clean this way and are finally driven to consider drug rehab. As there is very little rehab available through public funding, of necessity this means going to private drug rehab and finding the funds somehow.
So is it a private drug rehab worth the money?
What will you get for your money – or another way of looking at it is – why does it cost so much? Well you should get a medical assessment from a private doctor / psychiatrist and the medication you need to be detoxed as comfortably as possible. That will deal with the physical side of your addiction. However that is the easy part (even if you have a difficult opiate or benzo detox).
The important part is that in rehab you get to look at why you have been taking drugs, what was good about it to start with that you continued to use and increased your using to the level you did. What were you running from (often yourself and life in general). Once detoxed you start to get the mental insight and understanding about what needs to change – and you then get given the tools to help you make that change and sustain it. You should also be offered support with aftercare.
So it costs a lot financially to go to private drug rehab. Is it worth it? Yes – it changes and saves many lives. Yours could be one of them.
The Haynes Clinic is a private drug rehab centre in Bedfordshire. Call 01462 851414 if you need help, support or advice about going to rehab. We can discuss and arrange a free addiction assessment upon request.