Opiate addiction
Trying to understand the reasons behind who are more likely to have an opiate addiction and why they have a greater propensity towards addiction than others, can be very complex. At a basic level one will look at the function of narcotics. The effect they have on the brain of a chronic user, however there is much more to it than this.

Addicts who become dependent on heroin and other opiate forms including synthetic opiates including methadone, have predominantly been characterised by their poor social functioning. On the other hand, the individuals that become dependent on stimulant drugs. Such as cocaine and amphetamines are the more pro-active individuals, in relation to addiction. Consequently, it is important to determine who is likely to become addicted to and dependent on opiates. This information can educate those in the medical field about who are more likely to use and abuse opiate medications.
On the whole and generally speaking there does seem to be some truth behind the hypothesis. Opiate addictions are more associated with ‘B-type’ personalities. There is a certain tendency for opiate addicts to come from certain types of personality and character development patterns. Most notably, one of the largest tendencies for an opiate addict is the likelihood that they have had some sort of disorder in connection with social anxiety, difficulties with relationships personal and professional.
An alternative group principally tending to abuse opiates is those with a low threshold of reality-based conditions, with impaired views of reality versus fantasy concerning relationships. A third group is probably the most highly-functional in regards to intellect and socially of the three. Instead they have mild depression but are not psychologically at rock bottom. For most of the individuals within this group, they will function with very low energy levels for years and years both with and without the use of opiates.
The most well-known opiate is heroin and is considered to be a street drug. Those that use this type of opiate are historically seen to be the addicts that are forced to steal money and other goods. This is in order to pay for the drug and their addiction. Their addiction are less likely to be involved in the workplace or even have jobs at all. When certain addicts from this group do have jobs they will be of low productivity and poor attainment.
When an individual first starts using opiates. They will probably experience extreme pleasure due to the effects the drug has on the dopamine reception in the brain. However, due to the highly addictive nature of the drug. Dependence will develop incredibly rapidly and can be extremely difficult to overcome. In understanding the nature of those who are likely to become dependent on opiates allows for specialised treatment and even preventative measures.
We can help people who suffer from addiction to alcohol, drugs, food and gambling. You can book a free assessment with us and come and look around our clinic with no obligations. You can alternatively just call us, if rehab is not an option and we can guide you to the services that are available to you in your area.