Do I have to give up alcohol for ever if I am alcohol dependent now?
False justifications for continuing to drink Many years ago, when I began to realise that I was alcohol dependent, I was very concerned that if
False justifications for continuing to drink Many years ago, when I began to realise that I was alcohol dependent, I was very concerned that if
Are you drinking too much and do you want to stop? Or do you care about someone with an alcohol problem? Do you wish they
The road to alcoholism There are two things that really stick in my mind from when I was in alcohol addiction treatment at The Haynes
Reasons people are put off Alcoholics Anonymous Many people who try going to Alcoholics Anonymous quickly decide that it is not for them. Why is
The age of people drinking alcoholically is falling There is absolutely no question that the age of people being admitted into residential treatment for alcohol
Anyone can get well from alcohol addiction if they wish to Alcohol addiction, alcoholism, alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder, as it is now termed,
To be suitable for rehab you need to have an open mind and realise you need help The definition of “Rehabilitation” is: the action of
What help is available for alcoholism? The options for getting help in the UK for this medical condition are becoming more limited. In order to
Alcoholics Anonymous is not a religious sect: the 12 Step Programme is successful At The Haynes Clinic we often find when first talking to someone
Admitting we have an alcohol problem The problem with any addiction and in particular with alcohol is that no one wants to admit that they
The role of therapy in an addiction clinic There is one word to describe the role of therapy within alcohol addiction and that word is
Why it is important to get a medically supervised alcohol detox It is now generally well known that anyone with an alcohol addiction or alcohol
Conventional treatment for alcohol addiction The 12 Step programme of Alcoholics Anonymous works and has, for over 85 years, helped hundreds of thousands of people
Do you have an alcohol problem? One of the main questions that people raise in telephone calls when they call The Haynes Clinic is if,
Like other health conditions, alcohol abuse requires professional addiction help Generally, if we have something that is affecting our health, we will seek help from
Most people with an alcohol problem do not want to go into an alcohol addiction clinic People, generally, do not want to accept that they
All other options will have failed leaving an alcohol addiction clinic as the only option People who find themselves suffering from the illness of alcohol
Alcoholism can affect anyone At The Haynes Clinic, we generally get a family member who will telephone and ask us for information about alcohol rehab
Whilst we are drinking heavily and going along the road towards getting help, we will emotionally and physically suffer from the amount of alcohol that
There is no age boundary for people with an alcohol addiction or problem with alcohol. At The Haynes Clinic we help people from 18 to
The Danger of Detox One of the main problems of addiction is “denial.” This denial is not just about the problem that alcohol is causing
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