The 12 Step Programme

The 12 Step Programme and the principles of living in recovery are excellent foundations for living a fulfilled and happy life. Everyone – not just those people in recovery – would benefit from adopting them.

The 12 Steps themselves start off with us admitting we are powerless over alcohol (or drugs) and that when we drink (use) our lives become unmanageable. We do mad and insane things when we are in active addiction and the next step is an acknowledgement that we need help to restore us to sanity. This is the bit that the vast majority of the human race who are not alcoholics or addicts can skip.

The next step (3) is an acknowledgement that the help we need is spiritual in nature. We are spiritually depleted and depressed, with no self-esteem and no belief in any happy future. Many people do not accept this bit and say they cannot believe in the 12 Step Programme because it is religious and requires a belief in God. This is not true.

Faith and Belief

One only needs to believe in the possibility of a power greater than ourselves – can we deny the amazing power of nature, the sea, the waves, wind etc? Can we comprehend the galaxy?  We do not have to understand everything to know it is there. Years ago, people would not have been able to conceive of an internet, the world wide web, electricity, telephones, mobile phones etc. We now know that these things are real and that they work because we experience them. Who knows what we don’t know about now that in the future will become real? How can anyone be certain that something does not exist because they don’t see it now? We only have to be open to that possibility to accept step 3 as a way forward.

Now we come to the bit that everyone whether an addict or not can benefit from – the identification of the less positive aspects of our character and being prepared to tell someone else about these and accept them. Once we have identified them, we can work on improving ourselves. So I know I can be proud, opinionated, full of self-will, resentful and intolerant (I sound a nice person, don’t I?). It is difficult to change these characteristics overnight but I am now aware of them and try to stop them coming to the fore so much – and I can be prepared to admit my faults because I spot them more easily now I am more self-aware.

12 Step Amends Process

The rest of the 12 step programme is about making amends to those who we have harmed in the past, and then trying to live our lives on this new basis each day, being honest, acknowledging our mistakes and trying to be better people. We try and help others.

If we expect to see good in others, we will see it. If we want to be critical, we will find things to criticise. Our attitude affects everything. We are the masters of our daily life. To change our perspective on life when we choose, we can respond to any experience in the way we choose. Able to change our feelings about ourselves. We treat others in accordance with the way we are feeling. We cannot control what other people do, only ourselves and our reaction to it. If we want happiness and joy, we only need to create it in our hearts.

The Haynes Clinic is an alcohol and drug rehab clinic which offers detox and counselling for people with addictions.

Call 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice.

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