The Twelve Steps Are The most Effective Way for Alcoholics To Get Well.

The Haynes Clinic is a twelve step treatment centre. Many rehab clinics in the UK follow the 12 Step model of recovery and this is for one simple reason. The Twelve Steps Are The most Effective Way for Alcoholics To Get Well.. No medication has proven to have anywhere near the same success rate.

Antabuse can prevent some people from drinking but only because it makes the alcoholic ill if they have a drink once they have taken it. In this sense it is a very unusual medication. Acamprosate is meant to take away the craving but its efficacy is not yet proven, as far as I am aware (I do know of people who have tried it and still kept drinking). The 12 Step Programme, on the other hand, has been known to get literally millions of people well and to keep them well. That is pretty amazing since it does not involve taking a single drug.

Big Book

As it says in the so called Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. ‘rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path’. All that is required is ‘rigorous honesty’ and a willingness ‘to go to any lengths’. We have to get to a certain point in our addiction before we are prepared to do this. The pain has to be great, the misery deep – otherwise we try to find an easier way than giving up alcohol completely for ever.

12 Steps

We have to let go of alcohol and our old ways completely. Otherwise it will not work.The 12 Step programme is a suggested programme of recovery. Note it is a suggested programme. Not a programme of suggestions from which you take your pick. In order to get the most from it, it is advised that you follow the whole programme in order. There is no specified speed at which you have to get through the steps. Some get through them all quickly, others take months if not over a year. Some recovering alcoholics repeat doing all the steps from time to time if they think that this is going to be helpful for them at whatever stage they are at in their lives.

Haynes Clinic

At the Haynes Clinic, during your period in treatment. You will become familiar with the 12 Steps and will start to work on them. The wording of all the steps will be in front of you at various times and places while you are in treatment (displayed on the clinic walls, displayed at AA meetings etc etc). You will see your peers who are further ahead in treatment present their work on the steps that you have yet to work on; you will see others struggle through steps that you have come to understand. Yourself will start at Step 1 and get through as many of the steps as is appropriate for you during your time in treatment.

The Haynes Clinic is a rehabilitation clinic for those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. Treatment based on the 12 Step Programme of recovery.

For free and confidential advice, please call 01462 851414.

steps to recovery

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