Alcohol and drug addiction help in Romford

What help is there for people with alcohol problems and drug addiction in Romford? Although only 14 miles from Central London, if you are looking for free professional help for addiction issues, you are likely to find it as difficult as if you lived in the Highlands of Scotland or some remote corner of Cornwall. Free help on the NHS is hard to come by – perhaps understandably there are other priorities such as cancer treatment – and people with alcohol and drugs issues do put some pressure on NHS resources through place such as A and E in the local hospitals, so there is not always a lot of sympathy out there.

Addiction Help in Romford

There will be AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and CA (Cocaine Anonymous) meetings in the Romford area which may be able to help you. These are free self support groups where you can meet people with the same problems, including those who have overcome them and who will be willing to help you. They will teach you a programme of recovery which, once clean and sober, can help you to stay that way. You may also be able to get some help through your GP or local drug and alcohol services.


However, for many alcoholics and addicts this is not enough. Some of us need an intensive detox and counselling in a protected environment away from everyday life. If this is what you need, The Haynes Clinic is just over an hour away (60 miles) and is located in the heart of the Bedfordshire countryside. The clinic treats people from all around the UK and even abroad and many of its clients come from the Greater London / Essex area, obviously including Romford. They will even provide a free pick up service for you if you book into treatment there.

The Haynes Clinic – addiction help in Romford

The Haynes Clinic is a private addiction and mental health treatment centre. Detox usually costs about £3000 and this is accompanied by a psychiatrist’s assessment. You will also get at least a week’s intensive counselling (obviously more if you book in for longer) which will include a look at your life experience to date and how your drinking / using started and at first gave you something you liked – before taking it all away and making you miserable.

Psychological and Physical Addiction

The detox will deal with the physical addiction and start to look at the psychological side. However it is likely that if you do not deal fully with the mental obsession with alcohol or drugs then at some point you will go back to drinking or using. So we recommend staying for the full 28 day programme if it is possible so you can look at this and adopt and understand fully the recommended programme for life which not only will keep you clean and sober – but happily so!

There is a lot that is unique about Romford. It is no longer in Essex but in the London Borough of Havering. It was known for its collieries (hence Colliers Row) which led to it being associated with the production of charcoal and life drawing. It is near the infamous Gallows Corner where there were many hangings from the 16th – 18th centuries. However, where it is not unique is that like everywhere else there will be alcoholics and addicts living in the town and its environs. It is likely that there are about 500 alcoholics in Romford and at least the same number of addicts. They all need rehabilitation help – and The Haynes Clinic can offer that help. Call 01462 851414 for free advice and an assessment if required.

woman in support group

Free Addiction Consultation

Book a free addiction counselling call without any obligations to come and look around our clinic.

Speak to one of our fully qualified addictions counsellors, who will get to understand your specific needs and then be able to advise the best way forward for you!

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