Important Things to Look for In An Addiction Rehab Centre

rehab residence

Cost of medicated detox, the addiction treatment programme and Aftercare

For anyone wanting immediate help, a residential addictions unit is the most obvious option. It is usually the first choice for anyone needing a medically prescribed and supervised alcohol or drug detox.  But how to choose one?  Finances will play a part in the choice of course and there is considerable variation in price. A medicated detox can be anything from around £5000. However, it is not just about having a medicated detox as unless something is done about why the individual drinks or uses so much, a detox will only offer a temporary reprieve. So it is important in making a choice to check that there is an effective addiction treatment programme on offer. The key thing for the individual is to uncover why they drink or use drugs in the way they do. This can then be addressed so they can live their lives free of the need to go back to the same old pattern of behaviour. You might also like to consider if there is a family addiction programme and what ongoing Aftercare the addiction treatment centre provides following on from completion of residential addiction treatment. The Haynes Clinic, which takes admissions from around the country, offers all these components of a thorough addiction treatment programme. 

A 12 Step Treatment Programme

The majority of residential addiction rehabs within the UK use the philosophy of the 12  Step programme which provides a structured and gradual process of Recovery. It was established in the 1930s in America on the formation of  Alcoholics Anonymous.  Over the years its approach has proven to be so successful internationally that its methodology has  been incorporated to help people with other addictions such as drugs, eating and gambling.  Basically, the concept works but, due to the wording having not been changed in around 90 years, some people struggle with understanding or interpreting it in today’s modern world. Pre-treatment, people will often question or have a concept that the programme is a religious one – but it is not. If religion was the answer, we would just attend our respective religious meetings once a week (which would be a lot cheaper than going into an addiction rehab centre) .

Therefore, it is essential that during the time in treatment, a person will gain that initial understanding of the 12 Step programme through discussion, written work, group and 1/1 therapy and also by attending 12 Step support groups with others who are also in treatment.  The recommended treatment period is 28 days but, if there are financial constraints for example, then people can be admitted at The Haynes Clinic for 14 days. Less than this is too short a time (and waste of money) with relapse usually inevitable. 

Addiction therapy and treatment

So, each day will typically involve a combination of medical, psychological and therapeutic interventions that are tailored to address the specific needs of each individual.  The form of therapy is usually based upon Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which, for example, would help us look at our rational and irrational behaviour.  We need to start the process of changing our old thinking and behaviour. In addition to CBT based therapy there is also value in a holistic approach which supports the recovery journey and promotes a new sense of wellbeing. Holistic therapies encompass a range of complementary practices that address not only the symptoms of the addiction but also the individual’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.  A holistic framework can be created through music, art, yoga and mindfulness  to enable personal growth.

Access to a swimming pool and gym in addiction rehab

A very common question that is asked is “do you have a swimming pool or gym ?”  A swimming pool in the grounds would be extremely dangerous for obvious reasons. In addition, anyone being prescribed detox medication who is exercising and raising the heartrate through exercise could also be medically problematic. However, there are rehabs that have access to local health clubs and which will incorporate going to the gym and swimming as part of the weekly timetable.  It should always be remembered, though, that a person is coming into residential treatment to learn what they need to do to be able to live a life free from their addiction. This cannot be learnt in a swimming pool or gymnasium. 

Family participation and support in addiction rehab

The input and support of the family whilst the family member is in treatment is very important. This addresses the impact of addiction on the family dynamic and helps the individual in treatment to understand this too. It helps the family understand the concept of addiction and what the individual is expected to do after treatment.  The individual will need ongoing support and to attend regular 12 Step groups such as AA, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous. Family members may also be offered counselling and a family programme, including free help through Al-Anon.

Support after being in an addiction rehab centre

Going into residential addiction treatment at The Haynes Clinic is like taking the first few steps on to “a bridge to normal living”. To keep maintaining a positive approach, each individual will work on a daily relapse prevention plan with their trusted addiction counsellors. They will need to continue working on their recovery when they have been discharged from treatment. Aftercare is an important element of this as it continues the individual’s relationship with the clinic’s counsellors. These addiction counsellors know the individuals and will be able to advise and support them in their new life in recovery.

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