Factors to take into account when choosing an addiction rehab clinic
Finding the correct rehab clinic for you or a loved one is still, after all these years, a potential minefield. There are so many factors that have to be taken into account: where the clinic is located, cost, is ongoing support provided, is there some sort of rating of the rehab, word of mouth as a recommendation, do they offer safe medical support and therapeutic care, what information can be gained from the addiction rehab’s or rehab clinic’s website.

How long does addiction rehab take?
Getting help for your addiction is not just about having a medically assisted detox but also about having therapy concerning how to be able to change our addictive thinking and behaviour. Just obtaining a detox will ultimately lead to another relapse not long after leaving treatment. So anyone going into residential care should be committing to a minimum of 14 days with the recommended treatment period being 28 days. 14 days should only be an option if there are financial or work constraints.
12 Step Rehab Clinics
The vast majority of addiction rehabs in the UK will operate under the principles of a 12 Step AA based programme. The only other common factor of UK addiction rehabs is that they will have to have undergone a Care Quality Commission inspection following which the CQC will publish a publicly assessable report on the workings of each addiction clinic and any faults found. Without this report an addiction rehab clinic can not operate and if very poor can be shut down.
Cost of addiction rehab
The weekly costs will vary hugely and these days it is fairly easy to Google addiction treatment in or near to where you live and to check out the website of any alcohol or drug rehab clinic and phone and ask for their treatment costs. The problem is that there are addiction referral agencies that pay for adverts on search engines and the temptation is to call them for advice as they pop up at the top of your search. They will recommend various addiction clinics (for which they will be paid a fee) but there is always the possibility that they may not be suitable, and they can persist in contacting you to put more pressure on the situation.
A big “beware of” is if you have contacted a rehab clinic direct and they start to hassle you for a deposit payment to secure a bed, take that as a red flag. Never pay a deposit unless you are prepared to proceed and always ensure that if circumstances change then any deposit payment is refundable if the admission does not go ahead.
Everyone has heard of the Priory, although it does not have as many dedicated addiction centres as it had even five years ago. The reason that it is so well known is that it has been and is used by many celebrities. Actually, quite a lot of well know public faces will choose other clinics as they don’t want their names to be added to the list of known Priory patients. It offers probably the costliest treatment in the UK, and it also owns Lifeworks and The Manor Clinic.
In January 2021 the Priory group was acquired by Waterland Private Equity and this has now created the largest provider of addiction rehabilitation services in Europe. So, it is a very big organisation, but it also offers addiction treatment services for a very high weekly cost. If you choose this as an option then your care will be overseen by a Consultant Psychiatrist, a Priory GP, qualified nurses and health care workers 24 hours a day and there will also be access to a qualified addictions team. They are normally able to book an admission 7 days a week.
At the opposite end of the financial scale would be an independent unit with possibly shared accommodation but definitely a situation whereby, on admission, you would be seen by a GP and then that GP, from a local practice, would prescribe you any detox medication for an alcohol detox or even a heroin detox. Then you would be responsible for taking the correct daily dose four times a day or possibly the dosage of medication may be overseen by a member of staff, but the medication is prescribed to you and legally you are able to take it, overseen or not.
The level of therapeutic treatment may be questionable and there may not be a structured daily timetable and certainly staff not present 24 hours a day. An admission has to be carefully booked so that a GP can be arranged to be present and this will normally be on only certain days of the week and usually not at weekends.
Am I free to leave addiction rehab if I don’t like it?
No clinic in the UK is a “lock in “and you would be free to leave against medical advice at any time. This is generally a rare occurrence as when you have been admitted to treatment and meet the group that are already there you realise that you are not alone and will generally engage with the addiction treatment process. However, should you leave early then you will automatically forfeit your remaining fees.
When can I admit to an addiction rehab?
The Haynes Clinic is quite unique as far as addiction rehabs go as it can take an admission 7 days a week and a late cut off time for an evening admission can be arranged as they have a doctor who is also a consultant psychiatrist and thus admissions can be very flexible. The cost of treatment throughout the UK is very varied but Haynes has always managed to hold down its prices. Also at Haynes everyone has their own bedrooms and it is also possible for an extra cost to have an en-suite. The houses are overseen by staff 24 hours a day.
Any taking of prescribed medication will also be overseen and administered by the clinic staff. The clinic is a member of a Nuffield Health Club and included in the treatment options are use of the swimming pool, gym and sauna once or twice a week. There will be attendance at AA and other support groups. The engagement with these support groups is particularly effective when attending with other residents.
There is free time at weekends and after the first weekend then visits can be arranged with family and friends. A key to the ongoing effectiveness of the treatment at The Haynes Clinic is that, for those who have completed a 28-day residential rehab programme, there is free ongoing Aftercare support for up to 12 months. This comprises an online group each Wednesday afternoon or all day at the Clinic each Friday for those that live closer or who are prepared to travel.
The addiction rehab clinics that are the good ones are usually the ones that have a history of operating over a period of time. There is a very clear reason that they have survived for a long time, and it is simply that what they offer is good and effective.
Always check out their Care Quality Commission published reports. Google reviews can be helpful, but the nasty ones are normally written by someone with a grudge against the clinic or a member of staff. Now that we are moving away from Covid restrictions, we would recommend a visit to a selected clinic but with the proviso that if it reaches your medical and care expectations then admit at that time or soon after.