Early Recovery – Things to Avoid

In early recovery one of the most important things to avoid – if you can – is stress. We drank or used on the basis that we were ‘stressed’. Even those of us with no major traumas in our lives might have drunk to relax after a hard day. So if you have a choice over major life events, such as moving home or job, then put it off for a while. You may be tempted to want to make a fresh start and leave the debris of your old life well and truly behind you. Don’t be in too much of a rush.

Take it Easy

It is recommended that in early recovery in particular you ‘take it easy’. If in a relationship, and if thinking about whether or not to continue in that relationship. Do not make a hasty decision. Apart from the stress of any decision to end it, it is likely that you are both experiencing a lot of mixed emotions.  You are still very vulnerable and not really in a good place to make rational decisions.

I have seen many couples nearly split up in early recovery. Only to give it another chance and prove that this was the right thing to do. If it is not, at least you will be making any decision to split after you have given the relationship a good chance without the intervention of drink or drugs.

Don’t Start a New Relationship

Don’t start a new relationship when in the first year after addiction rehabilitation. This is mainly because if it goes wrong, there is a good chance that the emotional pain will lead you to relapse. It might be tempting to get dating again because we need the positive attention in early recovery. Please believe me, it’s a dangerous game and not worth the risk. This is hard advice to follow in the heat of the moment – but nonetheless wise!

If you really do have to move, then make sure you go to somewhere where there are plenty of recovery meetings so you can get all the support you will need. If you get into a new job or have problems with your relationships, get to those meetings!

freedom from addiction

Avoid Self-Will in Early Recovery

Avoid your self-will in early recovery. Accept you might not be always right, listen to those with many years of recovery in them. Seek guidance from your Higher Power who will be consistently there for you.

It’s Christmas Day today. If you are in the early days of addiction recovery, I hope you have discovered just how wonderful Christmas can be without the alcohol or drugs. It can in many cases cause such conflict and damage. If you are getting towards the end of the road with your drinking or using and this Christmas has not been harmonious. At least in part because of alcohol or drugs, don’t delay any longer. Take the decision to give a life free of booze and drugs a chance. What have you to lose by giving it a try?

If you have a drink or drug related problem, please call 01462 851414 for confidential help and advice

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