When we were drinking or using, our lives were miserable. Perhaps not at the beginning but certainly by the end. By and large that misery spread to the people who loved us. They were worried, felt helpless, did not know what to do for the best, could see us slowly killing ourselves but could do nothing to pull us out of it. Yet despite the misery we felt and the misery we caused, we found it impossible to take those first steps towards a new and better life on our own.
In fact, many of us were frightened to take them because despite the fact that we were so unhappy. The substance that was making us unhappy was such a prop and support to our everyday existence. That we could not let go of it. We had to get to a point where we could no longer live with it. Even though we were afraid to live without it.
Let go of Our Addiction Crutch
Having let go of our crutch, we take the first few tentative steps into a new life and to start with most of us are amazed at the possibilities that unfold for us. We sometimes go into a ‘pink cloud’ phase in which we find out that there is a life without drink or drugs. Eventually, though, real life comes back and we have to live ‘life on life’s terms’ as the saying goes. Need to face all those things that other people have to face which in the past we shied away from and ran away from by using drink or drugs.
We now have choices though and our minds are no longer clouded. Have more energy. We can tackle the problems and tasks we have to face and deal with them. The Twelve Step programme gives us a good way of living our lives and our new friends in recovery will provide any further support that we need. We can also have faith that on any given day we will not have to deal with more than we can cope with.

Work your Rehabilitation Program
Of course at times we will feel down but we do not have to stay down. We can sit on our ‘pity pot’ and bemoan the fact that we should go to a meeting, work the programme, and take an inventory. We can dwell on all the injustices we feel we have been done. Build up a whole lot of resentments against people we feel have wronged us. Or we can work our programme and be free of those resentments. Feel guilt and shame for the damage we have caused. Or we can make amends and put it right. We can look at all the things we wish we had but do not. Or we can write a gratitude list and be thankful for all we have that is good in our lives.
The choice is ours. When we were drinking or using we were deep in misery and for a time we did not know how to get out of it. Now we do.
The Haynes Clinic is a drug, alcohol and gambling rehab clinic offering detox and treatment for those suffering from addiction to alcohol, drugs and prescription medication.
Call 01462 851414 for confidential help and advice.