What You Gain When You Get Well

Get Well! There are so many benefits to getting well and staying clean and sober. We learn a new and healthier way of living. We learn to be honest.  If you are currently still trapped in the lies of active addiction. Imagine a life where you do not have to lie any longer, so you are honest and don’t have to remember your lies! How can you get caught out if you are always honest? What freedom that is!

Another benefit is that once you attend AA or NA you will be amongst people who will understand you. You will always have a friend even if you struggle to stay clean and sober. You will not be judged. ‘Keep coming back’ , ‘you are worth it’. Do the one and believe the other and there is hope that eventually you too will be able to live a life free of drink and drugs. Do not be afraid.

Procrastination – Get Well

Many of us are dragged down by procrastination – putting off till another day what can be done or begun today. This is a big issue for the active alcoholic or drug user. As our illness progresses and becomes increasingly painful. We know our drinking or using has to change or stop and we keep promising that from now on we will cut down or stop.

In reality though, our consumption cannot just change, though many of us cling to the hope that cutting down is all that is required. The harsh truth is that once addiction has a grip on us we have to become totally abstinent.  And for those who think they only have a problem with drugs and not alcohol. They have to face an even more difficult reality – that they cannot drink again (because any mind altering substance will not be sufficient in small quantities and will lead on to active addiction and misery again).

Something Has to be Different

So we know something has to be different but we are afraid. I recall getting to the very end of my drinking road and even admitting to my doctor – from whom for many years I had hidden the amount of my drinking. That I could neither carry on any longer drinking but nor could I carry on without having the crutch of alcohol. But I did and I can and I enjoy life so much more now! I can sing and dance and let my hair down without drinking. And I am free to have fun without my family thinking I am letting my hair down because I am drunk. It is ‘good fun mad mum’ now rather than the embarrassing out of control, drunk.

These days it is easier to procrastinate on much lesser issues than stopping my drinking. It can still get me down though not in quite such a damaging way. It can make me depressed and frustrated if I have not achieved what I wanted to do in a day and the tasks pile up.

There is hope though. If we divide our tasks up into parts and complete even a small part of it, we free ourselves from the barriers of procrastination and suddenly we can make progress!

Get Well – The Haynes Clinic is an addition recovery centre which helps those suffering from active addiction to live a clean, sober and happy life.

Call us on 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice.

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