The Addictive Personality

Many of the people attending the Haynes Clinic come because they are addicted to one particular substance. Be it alcohol, one of the fairly prevalent illegal drugs or prescription medication.  A significant number present with a dual addiction such as alcohol and cocaine. A total abstinence twelve step treatment centre deals with treating the addictive personality in therapy rather than focusing on the substance abused.

We are also very clear that those who say they do not have an alcohol problem, but simply a drug problem also need in the future to be abstinent from alcohol as any mind altering substance will lead them back eventually onto their drug of choice (or a different drug). Addicts should also avoid addictive medication such as diazepam, sleeping tablets etc.

Susceptible to Addiction

An addictive personality refers to a certain set of personality traits that makes the person more susceptible to addiction. A major misconception involving addiction is that certain substances are, by themselves, addicting. Several years ago, a group of US congressmen attempted to come forward, admit their prior marijuana use, and put an end to the common belief in America that not saying no will result in addiction.

According to a recent study in psychology the difference between becoming and not becoming addicted to something lies in the personality. Estimated at between 10 to 15% of the population. Quite simply, do not know when to stop. This is not exclusive to a substance; gambling, pornography, shopping, work, internet, videogames and exercise.

Self-Destructive Forms of Compulsive Behaviour – addictive personality

Despite the wide gulf between an addiction to a drug and an addiction to gambling. Some mental health experts have found it useful to view addiction as including all self-destructive forms of compulsive behaviour. The National Academy of Sciences conducted a study and concluded that although there are no single set of psychological characteristics that embrace all addictions. The study  found that they are several  ‘significant personality factors’ that can contribute to addiction:

–          A sense of social alienation and general tolerance for deviance

–          Impulsive behaviour, difficulty in delaying gratification, an antisocial personality and a disposition towards sensation seeking

–          A high value on nonconformity combined with a weak commitment to the goals for achievement valued by society

–          A sense of heightened stress

At Risk, When Display These Personality Traits

An individual is considered to be at the risk of developing an addiction when he or she displays these personality traits. Such a person can switch from one addiction to another. Or even sustain more than one addiction at the same time.  This is very apparent in the clients we treat at the Haynes Clinic.

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addictive personality

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