Does Drinking make you Happy?


Alcohol is a depressant so by definition it does not make you happy. So many people who book into the Haynes Clinic believe that their problem is depression and that is at least partly why they drink – whereas the reality is that the alcohol is making them depressed. You must have seen the drunk on the street who curses and swears as he stumbles about. Do you think he is happy? Is the violent, abusive aggressive drunk happy?

Is Alcohol making them Happy?

What about the drinkers on social occasions? Is the alcohol making them happy? Alcohol releases inhibitions which might be why people at first seem to be happier but if it does make people happy, how is it that the more they have it is not a case of the happier they are? Many of us know of big celebrations such as weddings at which fights have broken out due to people drinking too much. And it is a known fact that drinking exacerbates the violent tendencies in people. If alcohol just made people happy, it would not be banned at sporting occasions such as football matches.

Happy Occasions

People are happy at happy occasions because they are happy occasions, not because of the alcohol. People who drink at funerals do not suddenly become happy because they have a drink. The argument that social occasions would be less ‘happy’ if there was no alcohol holds water only because people who expect a drink (or need one due to habit) are miserable at a social occasion without alcohol because they are drinkers.


As an alcoholic in recovery, I have been to many occasions without drinking,  both those where drinkers are present and alcohol is consumed, and those where there is no alcohol and the vast majority are non-drinkers. the sense of fun, frivolity and laughter at these totally alcohol free occasions is at least as great as at the other ones. And the next day there are few regrets, no hangovers and everyone can remember the whole occasion.

Deadens Feelings

Alcohol actually deadens feelings and so stops us appreciating the true beauty of things. Enjoy the seasons, the weather, nature, the birds singing, the stars, the moon – all can be so much more appreciated if we have our full senses about us.

Real Happiness

Real happiness is having no worries or fears, feeling physically and mentally healthy and feeling great to be alive. If we have worries and concerns, and think that drinking to drown our sorrows will help, we are mistaken. If we drink enough, we might become senseless but the chances are the sorrow will still be there to be faced when we sober up. It is actually a dangerous path to take if we use the deadening effect of drink to run away from problems and our feelings. And if we think we cannot enjoy a social occasion without it, that is because we believe that to be the case, not because it is so.

The Haynes Clinic offers residential treatment for dependency on alcohol, drugs and prescription medication. We can also help with other addictions such as gambling and with eating disorders.

If you have an alcohol or drug related problem, please call The Haynes Clinic on 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice and help.

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