When I first came into recovery from alcoholism, I found it quite difficult to understand the concept of ‘a day at a time’ – Living in the day. It was not how I wanted to live my life. In some ways, it sounded quite limiting. Did it mean you could not plan for a future and look forward? Was it always ‘just for today’ and about getting through (surviving?) each day sober?
Another phrase I have heard on the same theme is that if you have one foot in the past and one in the future, you could end up ‘peeing’ on today. I understand that one too, but again it is sometimes difficult to translate that in to real life unless you are really in a mess today.
Live a Good Honest Life
What I can say on a more upbeat note, though, is that if you live a good honest life today, the seeds of the future can be sown when you least expect them. Four years ago, when I stopped drinking and began my new much happier life, I had absolutely no idea how my life would change – and in the most unexpected ways. I still had a lot in my life to get well for: my lovely children, a good home, a job (if I stopped drinking as I don’t think I would have kept it if I didn’t), and many good friends. My job and my career were so important to me.
But in surrendering and recognising that I could no longer drink, and going into a clinic, I met knew people who were going to change my life beyond recognition. Of course I did not know it at the time. I did not know that in that clinic was the door to my future in more ways than one.
So what amazing things have happened for me?
Two of the people I met have become what I consider to be lifelong friends. One of them relapsed after his time in the clinic but a year later I was there for him when he was finally ready to give up drinking and I helped him back into rehab. The three of us ended up setting up business together and I left my old job (which I thought I loved) and now work for myself which is even better. I might have lost my husband through my drinking but I gained my ex-husband as a good friend and we remain committed parents for our children. My children have a much better mother than they would have had if I had not gone through the pain of alcoholism. And my life is good now on a daily basis with each day offering me endless opportunities for fulfilment, laughter and happiness.
Living in The Day
I am not saying that I do not encounter problems in my alcohol free existence. Of course I face many of the problems that everyone else faces. The difference is that today I can deal with those problems without drinking. And my daily life forms part of a pattern in which I can see a rich and happy future with exciting prospects ahead. I am Living in The Day.
The Haynes Clinic is an alcohol and drug rehab clinic which offers detox and counselling for people with addictions.
Call 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice.