Lead Us Not Into Temptation to Drink

Many alcoholics and addicts find that just having a single drink or drug can change us into very happy people. We can even feel happy before we have the drink or drug – it does not stop us deciding to indulge. We therefore have to be particularly careful that we do not give in to temptation given that we can easily drink when we are happy – or when we want to escape our feelings. It is quite scary if you mix with other alcoholics and addicts. I think the alcoholics are particularly at risk here because drinking is socially acceptable. How many of them after several years’ sobriety get tempted to drink again.

Even Tempted After 18 years

wine glasses

I know of a number who, after 10 years or more have thought they could have a drink and have ended up back in the pit of misery. One woman I know was tempted to buy a bottle of wine on her way home from her teaching job at school after 18 years of sobriety. S she was struggling to face writing the end of year school reports and thought it would help.

It did – so she did it again and again until she was unable to face going in to her job. (alcohol has a habit of doing this – helping us with facing something then eventually stopping us from facing it). Others have given in for similarly trivial reasons and had to face the dire consequences which are usually worse than the first time we had to get sober, because addiction is a progressive illness.

You Can Not Drink Again

So, if you think that one drink can do no damage, think again. Maybe it won’t in itself – but that will lead you into the danger of thinking one more will not hurt. And then another and another. Alcoholics and addicts never get away with it long term. We need to never forget how painful drinking became for us so we are kept on our guard. We will always be alcoholic and whatever the social pressure we must never give in. If you had an allergy to peanuts and knew it would trigger an action that would make you very ill and could ultimately kill you, would you be tempted to eat even one nut?

Thinking is not the same as Doing

Do not be afraid that sometimes the thought of having a drink or drug will enter your head – or even when you dream of drinking or using. This is not the same as actually doing it. You need to never drink again and that is the truth of the matter. Feel good about that and the fact that you need never feel physically ill from drinking or using or any of the guilt or shame associated with it for as long as you wish to. Stay strong and be happy without any mind altering substance!

The Haynes Clinic is an alcohol and drug rehab clinic which offers detox and counselling for people with addictions. It follows the Twelve Step Programme of recovery.

Call 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice.

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