The Twelve Steps To Insanity
I do not know who devised the following parody of the twelve steps programme but I think it is witty and funny (but also sadly
I do not know who devised the following parody of the twelve steps programme but I think it is witty and funny (but also sadly
If you want a fulfilled and happy addiction recovery, you need to take a programme of action. There are two distinct parts to recovery –
Everyone working a Twelve Step Programme and attending Alcoholics anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous (or any other recovery meetings) should have a sponsor. A sponsor is
‘Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here’ – confidentiality statement. So we hear said at many
The 12 Step Program is arguably the best way for addicts and alcoholics to get well, maintain sobriety and pursue a enriched life. There are
The original 12 step program was published by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1939 and thanks to their undeniable success, the overwhelming majority of community recovery
The model is so called because it originated in Pioneer House, in Minnesota over 60 years ago. There is nothing unique and original about the
In 1935, two men met in Akron, Ohio. One was Bill Wilson, who had been a financial hotshot on Wall Street in his successful days;
In recovery programme, so called normal life goes on and we will face the ups and downs of life like everyone else. If you attend
You will never see an advert for Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous on television or in the printed media, nor will you ever
Many people who drink, gamble or use drugs come into recovery full of anger and resentments. If they work through the 12 Step Programme, they
Some of us believe in fate and that much of our lives are pre-ordained. Others of us believe we have to make our own luck
“We can control how we react” Being in the wrong is not just about the obvious things – such as cheating or lying. Being in
The vast majority of people are afraid of change. The familiar is cosy and comfortable. Change can be threatening and can affect our perceived security.
Step 12 of Alcoholics Anonymous – ‘Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,
Step 11 – ‘Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand him. Praying only for knowledge of His
‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty’. This quote is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and is very apt for Step 10. We would all like
Continued to take personal inventory and, when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. All of the twelve steps are very important but this is (another)
Step 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous – Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. This step is
A prayer familiar to almost everyone is The Lord’s Prayer and I can relate the central part of this to the 12 Step programme and
The Haynes Clinic is a twelve step treatment centre. Many rehab clinics in the UK follow the 12 Step model of recovery and this is
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