Are Painkillers Addictive?
It is not common knowledge about the addictive properties of a large number of the painkillers available today. Even though there are drug information facts
It is not common knowledge about the addictive properties of a large number of the painkillers available today. Even though there are drug information facts
There is no harm in going out and enjoying yourself and having a few drinks. It may be that there is no harm in experimenting
Magic Mushrooms These are mushrooms which contain hallucinogenic chemicals. They are also referred to as shrooms and caps. When eaten they produce a feeling of
A controlled substances is generally a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by a government. Cocaine Derived from coca leaves, it
Controlled substances come in a variety of forms. Possession of these is illegal, unless through prescription from a practising GP and are Misuse of Drugs
A report this week concludes that young people who smoke cannabis for years run the risk of a significant and irreversible reduction in their IQ.
Why crystal meth? There are many reasons why people will first try crystal meth; peer pressure, depression and boredom and more. However, once someone has
The risks of ‘letting off steam’ There are many places, such as raves, nightclubs, and parties where people go for fun – to let off
Drug addiction can occur when people develop a dependence on a substance after habitually using a psychoactive substance that has been used to alter perception
Dependency When a person abuses drugs on a regular basis, there are changes that take place in their brain and nervous system. This leads to
About Mephedrone Mephedrone, also called 4-methylmethcathinone (4-MMC), or 4-methylephedrone is a synthetic stimulant. A stimulant is a psychoactive drug which induces temporary improvements in mental
MDMA is a psychoactive synthetic drug with stimulating and hallucinogenic properties. This synthetic chemical can be extracted from an essential oil of the sassafras tree.
It’s well known that heroin is one of the most troubling drugs to become addicted to and one of the most difficult addictions to overcome.
Why cheap club drugs? The price of alcohol in pubs and clubs are increasing, and the government are considering placing a minimum price on a
Only within the last 25 years have we started to recognise and understand the dangers associated with drink driving. The government, law enforcement agencies and
Prescription sleeping pills are a common treatment by doctors for poor sleep (insomnia). However it is very easy to become addicted to sleeping tablets. They
Being at university, I have come to realise the number of students going to extreme lengths for good grades. Students are buying drugs to help
Last week’s Daily Mail headline highlighted the growing problem of becoming addicted to sleeping tablets. This is something that we have noticed here at The
Drugs are chemicals that work their way into the brain’s communication system. They disturb the way nerve cells would ordinarily send, receive, and handle information.
Although the cocaine addict doesn’t intend to draw everyone into their addiction. They do and this can destroy the family. Cocaine is one of the
Effects of cocaine on the body are loss of consciousness that can be caused by not breathing or bleeding in the brain, severe headache, seizures,
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