Are Painkillers Addictive?

It is not common knowledge about the addictive properties of a large number of the painkillers available today. Even though there are drug information facts on most packaging on painkillers. It does not always state that they can be addictive. Evidence of over prescription and over use of prescription painkillers today would suggest that not all doctors and fewer patients fully understand the risk. Although unlikely, even with low doses and taken as prescribed, painkillers on the market can get people addicted.

What drugs are pain killers?

Painkillers, such as ibuprofen, codeine and paracetamol (acetaminophen) can be taken on their own, or as combination drugs. One of the problems with mixing drugs, such as painkillers, is that they are not specifically monitored and the effects when taken together are unknown as they are not intended to be taken in such a way. Each of the ingredients has an individual approval for medicinal use.

Drug manufacturers

It can be confusing to prescribing doctors and to over-the-counter drug buyers. To know exactly what drugs and how much of each they are taking.  A lot of people will take painkillers with no thoughts of any kind of potential addiction but many NSAID (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen can be addictive, with dangerous side effects if taken in large quantities. You can recognise substance abuse when a a person takes more of a medication than as directed or prescribed.

Strong painkillers

An example of a painkiller with addictive side effects is hydrocodone, which is an analgesic similar to oxycodone. Experts still fail to agree which is the stronger of the two, or the more addictive. Difficulties arise when brand names make products appear to be different from each other. Especially when they contain the same active ingredients. Depalgos, for example, contains oxycodone and paracetamol, as marketed in Italy, is the same as Percocet, except in the USA, paracetamol is called acetaminophen.

The list of these painkiller drugs and their combinations is potentially endless, with countless combinations. The various substances include acetaminophen, oxycodone, hydrocodone, caffeine, pseudoephedrine, melatonin, codeine, aspirin, naltrexone, and tramadol, with varying doses of each substance in the different brand name drug products.

Addicted to painkillers

There have been too many people that claim to have addictions to painkillers without realising how they got there. It can be difficult to recognise and acknowledge the fact that you have a substance abuse problem. You may not know that mixing painkillers was addictive. The best solution to the addiction issues caused by prescription drugs is to use a drug-free detox program, such as a long-term drug rehabilitation problem.

The Haynes Clinic can help with addiction to prescription medication, including pain killers.

Call 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice

Are painkillers addictive

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