Controlled substances come in a variety of forms. Possession of these is illegal, unless through prescription from a practising GP and are Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 classifies them. If you have them without a prescription, then this can result in a prison sentence.
Amphetamines – controlled substances
These are stimulants which work on the central nervous system. They give the user a general sense of feeling good, of having more energy and they suppress the appetite. They are usually in the form of white pills or powder and people swallow them, inhale them or inject them. Street names for amphetamines include uppers, speed, wiz, wake ups, bennies, dexies and jollies. Signs of someone having used amphetamines include them being over talkative, becoming aggressive, sweating and repetitive actions.
These are prescription sedatives. They include amobarbital (Amytal), pentobarbital (Nembutal) and secobarbital (Seconal). Their street names derive from their multicoloured tablets. These include barbs, red devils and yellow jackets. The effects of too many barbiturates are similar to someone being drunk. They may be relaxed and happy, their barriers may come down and they may become relaxed and sleepy. They can forget things (black out), lose their sense of judgement, lack co ordination and become irritable and paranoid.
Benzodiazepines (tranquillisers)
Benzos or tranx are other names for these. A prescription of these is generally for for the short term relief of severe sleeplessness or anxiety. Also, they are sedatives which relieve anxiety, relax the muscles and stop people having fits. They come in tablet and capsule form. Benzos include diazepam (valium), temazepam, chlorazepam, oxazepam, prazepam, halazepam and chlordiazepoxide (Librium). An alcohol detox generally includes the latter.
Benzos can affect the person’s ability to do certain physical and intellectual tasks. So, if taking them, the user should not drive or operate machinery. Ability may be even more severely impaired if the benzos are taken with alcohol or anti histamines.
Buprenorphine (subutex)
This is also called ‘blocker’, which has an analgesic effect and, for those addicted to opiates, it treats them. Under the trade names of Subutex, Buprenex, Temgesic and Suboxone, it is sold and comes in the form of tablets. Also, it is used to help people detox from opiates such as heroin. Furthermore, it is also an alternative method of detox to methadone. Furthermore, it is less addictive than methadone and has less unpleasant effects as its use is tailed off and stopped.
Cannabis – controlled substances
Generally, this is the most abused drug which is illegal and the perception of how dangerous this drug is varied. The controversial drug twice has been reclassified twice in recent years (the class C drug was upgraded to its original class B status). It comes from the hemp plant and can come as dried plant material. It can even come in blocks of resin or even in the form of oil. Slang names for cannabis include weed, pot, grass, hash, ganga and green. Most people smoke it in a roll up cigarette (‘joint’).
Smoking the drug in a pipe (called a bong) or made into a form of tea or mixed in food. Plus, it acts as a relaxant and can impair balance and ability to walk in a straight line. It can also give rise to poor memory and bloodshot eyes. As well as this, it can make the user hungry – and sleepy. Finally, Cannabis smoke has a very distinctive smell. Cannabis bonds with the body’s fat reserves and remains in the body for up to 28 days.
Misuse of prescription drugs results in the same problems as drug addiction in general. Our clinic has treatments available for prescription drug rehab.
The Haynes Clinic is an alcohol and drug rehab clinic which offers detox and counselling for people with addictions.
Call 01462 851 414 for free and confidential advice.