Many people have argued that marijuana is neither addictive nor a problem to the lives of those who use it. People argue that marijuana is different from other drugs. Chemicals refined and manipulated by man, marijuana is merely a herb which they smoke. People have commonly stated that it is more natural than other drug consumption and as a result is more acceptable.
Marijuana and addiction
Whether or not it’s true this can be debated strongly. It’s clinically proven that it is impossible to have a physical addiction to marijuana. Mental addictions and chronic marijuana smoking can be common. This is where although there are no physical withdrawal symptoms. This drug can become so ingrained into one’s social and even personal life that it is very difficult for the individual to stop the use of the drug. This is evident through certain members of popular culture. People like Snoop Dog who boast of their constant and enduring use of marijuana but are irreverent of the effects that it has upon their body and their life. Whereas a celebrity may find it easy to maintain their habit. Attempting to continue a normal life it is somewhat more difficult for the average person who must keep a steady job.
Marijuana effects
Marijuana use gets in the way of the most common objectives one seeks during their lives, both their career and the relationships they attempt to make with other human beings. Thus the use of the drug gets in the way of the individual’s attempts to reach success in their lives.
A person who has suffered from the chronic use of the drug will realise that their life has no longer been focused upon goals and lacks any sense of direction. This has been replaced by marijuana and a focus upon getting high. From smoking the drug to even acquiring money to buy it, the whole purpose of their lives has shifted. What many people do not realise, or choose to ignore when they are smoking marijuana over an extended period of time are the serious medical side effects it has upon the body.
What the studies say
Although the medical findings are somewhat ambiguous there is certainly risks to the prolonged use of the drug. THC the chemical which causes the high whilst taking marijuana can cause some serious effects in the long term. Some studies have displayed that it can cause schizophrenia dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease. All of the previous effects cause irreparable effects upon the brain.
The studies essentially prove it causes the user to lose their mind. Dementia which can generally be found in the elderly causes people to become confused. They essentially become unable to look after themselves. Schizophrenia which is arguably the most serious of all the disease’s. This disease can be associated with the drug and it causes mental and auditory hallucinations.
Although marijuana has clearly been portrayed as typically safe. It is clear that in the long term the side effects of marijuana are widespread and incredibly serious. Thus the most dangerous aspect of this is perceived as not being a problem and thus people do not seek help when going on the long and painful journey of abstinence.
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