The Addictive Nature of Drugs


Heroin is arguably the most addictive drug in the world. It affects opioid receptors throughout the body and mirrors the effects of endorphin’s, dampening pain and causing pleasure. Your brain has millions of opioid receptors, thus when people take heroin they are essentially training their brain to crave the effects. The nasty withdrawal symptoms alongside high fat solubility make heroin one of the most difficult drugs to kick. According to statistics nearly a quarter of all people who have ever tried the drug become addicts.

Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is also an incredibly addictive drug. Although cocaine has a similar effect to crack the process of smoking the drug makes it all the more addictive. Smoking cocaine as opposed to the traditional method of snorting causes a faster higher rush which lasts for even less time. The intensity of the high along with the reasonably efficient methods of ingestion make it a very difficult drug to  come off.


Methadone is also a very addictive substance, when treating heroin addiction General Practitioners view high tolerance as a positive. This is because instead of the addicts using methadone to get high. It is simply used as a way of preventing withdrawal symptoms. However the high tolerance merely shows that the heroin addict is becoming more addicted to methadone.

Crystal Meth

Crystal meth copies a natural neurotransmitter, teaching your brain to want a drug in the same way that both nicotine and heroin operate. Thus crystal meth becomes incredibly addictive. Especially considering that it stimulates your body to emit even more endorphin’s as it mimicks the effects of endorphin’s itself. Therefore your brain becomes even more demanding of the high. It can also damage dopamine and norepinephrine releasing neurons meaning that you want the crystal meth even more.


Many view alcohol as reasonably safe and non addictive; however, do not be fooled by the fact that it is legal and generally accepted in social settings. Alcohol’s withdrawal symptoms can become so severe that it can cause death. The dangers of alcohol are so severe that victims of its addiction can die in the process of trying to stop.


Cocaine essentially causes the brain to stop being able to administer dopamine because of the effect it has upon the brains receptors. If cocaine is used enough it will stop almost all the dopamine receptors in the brain from working. It believes there is too much of it already in the system. Therefore because of the fact that the body assumes it has high levels of dopamine and shuts down its receptors it now makes the body crave the cocaine. It needs the effects of dopamine. The fact that cocaine is easy to take simply snort it up the nostrils, the short high and the speed at which people build a tolerance make it incredibly addictive.


Although amphetamines may not be as addictive as meth. It is from the same family of drugs and acts on the same reward circuit It still causes rapid intolerance alongside incredible addictive qualities.

Dependency on drugs

Read more about drug addiction on our overview page.

If you feel as you you or a loved one has a dependency on a substance then call our friendly team at our alcohol and drug rehab centre on 01462 851414 for free and helpful advice. All calls are confidential.


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