What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction can occur when people develop a dependence on a substance after habitually using a psychoactive substance that has been used to alter perception and disposition. Every single psychoactive drug has the potential to become addictive. This happens due to a process through which an individual will feel physically and mentally compelled to use a certain drug, regardless of any of the consequences, be they good or bad.

With drug use, many people begin to neglect health care and nutrition, added to which, the toxins in drugs cause damage to the body. Drugs interfere with patterns of sleep, some drug users on stimulants can remain awake for days at a time, other drug users of narcotics, can remain in a type of lethargy in which they are neither awake nor asleep.

For those who abuse drugs frequently, their body becomes exhausted due to a lack of health and energy.  Withdrawal effects and the avoidance of pain become the primary reason for continued drug use when a person has become drug dependent.

First time use

Generally, those who are first experimenting with drugs do so for multiple reasons. Peer pressure, excitement, boredom, depression. The reason for drug use is to enhance good feelings. One never starts using a drug intending to become addicted to or dependent on it. People try drugs under the assumption that if used ‘responsibly’ or carefully they themselves can avoid addiction.   People think that in using drugs they can remain in control of their life.

However, nobody can predict with any certainty the path that drugs will take them down. Psychoactive drugs will interact with the mood and mind set of a person. Stimulant drugs meant to make you high can lead to extreme agitation and paranoia. Those who use drugs in order to regulate and control their emotions can see themselves constantly overmedicating to achieve the desired result. Achieving a euphoric high from drug use is an empty and purposeless experience, a poor substitute for the genuine warmth of loving human relationships.

What is more, drug dependency adds fuel to the fire of lack of motivation. An individual will often not feel the need of anything else in their life, other than their chosen drug. Many addicts would prefer to use and suffer from drug effects. Than admit to themselves, and even less to anyone else. That they feel sad, alone and abandoned, rejected or unloved and have turned to drugs as a result.


Drug addiction is a hugely detrimental relationship that will continue to get worse and develop in the absence of better options. What originally feels good, providing comfort and companionship and feelings of control. Can rapidly become a situation in which your life becomes controlled by drug use. If you are or feel that you or anyone around you may have become too dependent on any substance, you must stop immediately.

Complete alcohol and drug addiction programs provide the best journey for self-discovery and permanent recovery from all types of drug use and dependence. The most effective are long-term alcohol and drug rehab centres offering twelve-step programmes. It is never too late to find a new path and discover a fulfilling life free from drug abuse.

The Haynes Clinic is a drug and alcohol rehab clinic offering detox and counselling for drug and alcohol abuse.

For free and confidential advice call 01462 851414.

drug addiction

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