What is Ketamine and what does it do?

Ketamine is a Class C drug which is often used for operations on humans and animals as it is a short-acting general anaesthetic . It has hallucinogenic qualities and blocks nerve pathways without depressing respiratory and circulatory functions. It depresses the nervous system. Ketamine comes in the form of clear liquid, pills or powder.  This means that it is illegal to possess it and supply it. Doing so may result in an unlimited fine and up to 14 years imprisonment.

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The effects of ketamine

Ketamine use may result in impaired memory, mild schizophrenia several days after the use of it, the loss of body control, hallucinations, and altered perception, followed by numbness in the limbs, involuntary muscle movements, the feeling of sickness, disorientation and unconsciousness.

Other effects  include impaired attention and vision, loss of appetite, high blood pressure and psychosis. Further, ketamine may cause severe allergic reactions such as a rash, itching, swelling of the mouth and face, and slurred speech. Also, I know there have been cases where prolonged use can causes problems with the bladder. When used in high doses and in combination with other drugs. Ketamine use may result in suppressed breathing, paralysis, lung and heart failure and sometimes death. “The combined effects can leave the user of ketamine vulnerable to particular forms of crime, especially ‘date rape’”.

Why do people use it?

Ketamine is used recreationally in order to achieve euphoria, hallucinations and a sensation of feeling disconnected to your mind and body. The effects may last up to one hour depending on dose and individual.  Users are especially at risk of psychological dependency on this drug. People using ketamine as a recreational drug often use it in combination with other types of drugs. This would the result in drug addiction and the need for treatment.

More popular amongst younger people

Ketamine has become more popular amongst younger people as it is easily accessible and cheaper than most of the other drugs with similar effects. There is a misconception it does not produce drug dependency. This lures people into a false sense of security. Users are at an even greater risk of dependency. In great danger when using it with depressant drugs such as alcohol.

Various addiction centres offer treatment for Ketamine dependency. Users who wish to stop using any drugs may also find help through Narcotics Anonymous

If you need advise of want a free assessment then call us on 01462 851414


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