Drug Assessment

The assessment below will give you a clear indication if your drug-taking is a problem. Even if you answered ‘yes’ to only a few of these questions, you may have the beginnings of a drug problem – and the more ‘yes’ answers you give, the more serious your problem is likely to be. Do not put off facing up to the problem.

Addiction is a progressive illness that only ever gets worse and for which there is no cure. But there is hope. It can be stopped in its progress one day at a time – by not taking drugs at all on that day. There are millions of addicts in the UK, many not using and in recovery, but many more in active addiction and struggling with the effect that drugs are having on their lives and on the lives of the people they love.

Free Addiction Consultation

Book a free addiction counselling call without any obligations to come and look around our clinic.

Speak to one of our fully qualified addictions counsellors, who will get to understand your specific needs and then be able to advise the best way forward for you!