We strive to keep up to date with the latest news on addiction. Our very own Psychiatrist Doctor Magda writes a monthly blog on addiction. Read below for our latest blogs.
How to choose an Addiction Rehab Centre
Addiction rehab is not a spa. It could save your life There has never been a definitive and...
What is Offered At Drug Rehab?
Drug Detox Some drugs require prescribed medication to safely stop and come off that drug. For example, anyone...
The Main Types of Eating Disorders
The increase in eating disorders Post Covid, figures posted by the NHS show a significant rise in the...
T1DE – Type 1 Diabetes Eating Disorder
Recent increased awareness of Type 1 Diabetes Eating Disorder and barriers to treatment of T1DE Commonly known or...
Cannabis Then and Now
The arrival of Cannabis in the UK Cannabis is a plant based drug that can be eaten, smoked...
Cocaine Addiction: what is it, the dangers and help available
What is cocaine? Cocaine is a highly addictive and illegal stimulant that is produced from the leaves of...
Understanding the 12 Steps – How and Why They Work
The wording of the 12 Steps has not been changed, altered or updated in nearly 90 years. This...
Slot Machine Addiction
Are slot machines addictive? Recent studies published in January 2024 have shown that playing slot machines is one...
Dangers of Pregabalin and Gabapentin Prescription Medication
Benzodiazepine addiction such as addiction to diazepam / valium It is not uncommon for residential addiction treatment centres...
Matthew Perry – Injecting Someone Else with an Illegal Drug
Fatal ketamine injection In recent weeks, there has been yet more publicity around the death of Matthew Perry,...
Addiction Rehab: Why Do You Need To Go
Addiction is not always diagnosed in the early stages so more intensive help is needed One of the...
Gambling Addiction: what it is, causes, symptoms and help available
What is gambling addiction? Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling, pathological gambling, or having a gambling disorder,...