What is it like in rehabs?

Lots of rehabs to choose from

There are a number of rehabs located across the country. They will vary in how they operate and the type of environment they provide. Most are privately owned and all should be regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Ensuring they provide a safe environment for those attending. Many follow the 12 Step Programme initially introduced by AA over 80 years ago. Some provide more of a relaxing environment. Ideally you will find the one that is right for you (which may not necessarily be the closest) especially as drug and alcohol rehab is not cheap and you only want to do it once!

Choose what is best for you

So the answer to the question ‘what is it like in rehab’ is a difficult one. There are many differences between rehabs. I myself went to two. The first was more of the relaxing type with a lounge with newspapers, a swimming pool and coffee and orange juice on tap. Needless to say (since I had to go again) that style of treatment did not work for me and I ended up going again 3 painful years later when things only got worse.

The second rehab was more ‘hard core’. The main treatment there was not relaxation, flower arranging, exercise and the occasional therapy session. It was challenging group therapy, which involved looking at my faults and how I needed to change. This was uncomfortable and emotional. However, it was ultimately effective as that was over 11 years ago and I am now over 11 years without a drink (and a happily changed person!).

Detoxing in Rehabs

Most drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres will offer a medically assisted detox if you need one. You will see a doctor who will take some medical history and prescribe your detox. It will then be administered by staff as and when you need it. The purpose of the detox is to ensure you come off substances as safely and as comfortably as possible.


While your detox is taking place you should be offered some therapy sessions (once you are no longer under the influence). It is better to get working on your long term treatment than to be sitting doing nothing and thinking about drinking or drugs! Also you will get more out of your treatment the more you put in. You should expect to take part in group therapy with people who, like you, have come to the end of the road with their drinking or drug use. Additionally, you will probably take part in one to one counselling sessions and workshops and other therapeutic activities.

You may even have so called ‘therapeutic duties’ to do. This is basically taking care of your environment (otherwise known as cleaning) and cooking for yourself and others. Not all treatment centres operate in this way. Some have cleaning staff and chefs – but many do, on the basis that we need to learn to perform the full range of activities we need to run our lives in a healthy manner.

The Haynes Clinic

The Haynes Clinic is an addiction rehab centre which offers a combination of the two forms of treatment above. There is some relaxation with access to an offsite gym and pool on occasions. However, the clinic also expects people in treatment to work hard on their recovery and put in their all. After all, many of us are fighting for and to change our lives.

Please call on 01462 851414 if you wish to find out more about addiction rehab at The Haynes Clinic.

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