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What is drug rehabilitation and how does it work?

What is drug rehabilitation and how does it work?

What is drug rehabilitation?

Drug rehabilitation is a process people with drug addiction go through. The purpose of a drug rehab is to get those addicted to drugs clean. i.e. with no need to take drugs anymore and to β€˜rehabilitate’ them so that when they leave the rehab they have changed sufficiently so that they do not want to take drugs any more.Β 

Privately or publicly funded

Some rehabs are publicly funded. People who attend them might be sent by the justice system or the local drug and alcohol services might fund people to attend. If you are fortunate enough to get a place at a publicly funded drug and alcohol rehab you will meet people with many different experiences of life. There are also some drug rehabs that are funded by charities. These may have a religious aspect to them e.g. expecting you to attend a prayer meeting or service of worship each day. However, publicly funded rehabs and those funded by charities are few and far between.

Rehabs offer a variety of facilities

Most rehabs are privately funded and expect those attending to pay for the cost of their treatment. This does not mean that only wealthy people go there. Some people get their families to club together to fund it, or take out a loan to attend. Although others will pay without a second thought. In these rehabs you can expect some level of comfort. But, do not expect it to be a spa like environment! You should have a comfortable bedroom in which to sleep. Although in some rehabs you may have to share a room. Apart from that, the drug rehab clinics vary a great deal in what facilities they offer.

Many drug addiction rehabilitation clinics practise different approaches

Some will have chefs, laundry service and cleaners. Others will expect the patients / clients to look after themselves more. There is a rationale for this – it is not necessarily to save money! Some people going into drug rehab will not have been looking after themselves very well in the period preceding their admission. They may have been living in something approaching squalor with untidy bedrooms / homes, not cleaning up after themselves etc. Some will have ignored their personal hygiene. They will probably not have been feeding themselves very well – or may never have been taught how to cook and clean up for themselves.

A good drug rehab will not only get them off drugs and teach them how to live life clean and sober but will also look at their whole lifestyle. So they may be given cleaning duties. Clients may be expected to learn to cook to feed themselves and sometimes their peer group. Drug rehab can be about equipping yourself for life more generally!

The therapy side of drug rehabilitation

There will be a lot of therapy at drug rehab and this will usually include; cognitive behavioural therapy (to change the way you see yourself and how others behave towards you), group counselling, individual one to one sessions and workshops eg on the subject of dealing with anger, resentments, relapse prevention etc. Many good drug rehabs will introduce the addict to the 12 Step Programme. This is a total abstinence programme. the programme teaches the addict how destructive their drugs have been in their lives so that they cannot safely use ever again. It will teach them how to cope with the daily ups and down of lives. Clients will also hopefully come to see that there is hope and fulfilment in their life ahead.Β 

Attending a rehab shouldn’t be easy.

Do not expect an easy time at drug rehab. It is hard work if you want to change and the detox. This may be uncomfortable depending on what drug and how much you have been using. However, if you have had enough of your old lifestyle and really want to get well and lead a better life, then it is worth it.

The Haynes Clinic is a drug addiction rehab clinic that can help with all the above aspects of rehab. Call 01462 851414 for help, advice and for any further details you would like to know.

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