Be open to the possibility of a Higher Power

freedom from addiction

It does not matter whether or not you have a so called Higher Power before going into recovery. At this point it will not necessarily affect your chances of getting and staying sober. We all have an equal chance of ‘getting’ recovery – if we really want it. That is key. For those of us not yet ready, we will latch on to anything as an excuse not to give up drinking or using. The fact that Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous are based on a Twelve Step Programme for addiction rehabilitation with the mention of the God word and a Higher Power can be and is often used as an excuse.

Having faith

It is true that those willing to believe in a God of some description can find it easier to accept certain aspects of the Twelve Step programme. Having a faith of any kind in life makes a lot of things easier for a lot of people. However I have seen as many atheists and cynics achieve a happy and fulfilling recovery as people who are steeped in religion.

Even people who are not at all religious just need to be open to the possibility of some sort of spiritual presence. Do you believe that there might be spirits out there? Have you ever been involved in a seance or used a wigi board?  If you have, perhaps you are open to the possibility of a spiritual presence? If not, is it because you do not want to risk it, just in case?

Spiritual experiences

I am not a fantasist but I have had two very clear spiritual experiences, both in my late teens. The first was totally unbidden when I was on holiday in Cornwall. I cannot remember thinking our holiday cottage was particularly unusual but one night, in bed, I suddenly felt a great weight upon me. I could not move. Funnily enough I was not particularly frightened but I knew there was something there. The next day I told my parents who related my experience to the cottage landlord. He admitted it was reputed to be haunted – but I had no idea of that before having that experience.

Another time, at university, in my room in a hall of residence, I felt a great force of good in the room. I could see nothing but I was convinced that it was God. I know At the time I had been praying and was asking God to make his presence felt – but I can’t remember why. All I know is that once – and only once – I felt this. I have to say that since then I have not really put myself in the same alignment with God to feel his presence but that was enough for me to make me believe he exists.

Open minded

The same is true for anyone entering into addiction recovery. You only need to be open minded to the possibility of a higher power. If you find this difficult. Why not look around you at your twelve step meeting. See if you can see the miracle of recovery anywhere in the room. Maybe  a Group Of Drunks can be sufficient as a GOD at least as a starting point.


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