Is our problem only drink or drugs?

When to give up drink or drugs?

No one can force us to give up our drink or drugs. No one can force us to admit we are an alcoholic or an addict. We have to be prepared to admit that to ourselves. Others may spot it first, and almost certainly our loved ones will get fed up with our substance abuse long before we do. But until we admit it to ourselves, we will not be ready to give up. When will this usually happen?

drunk man

It will happen at the point at which the issue is not whether we will die from our drinking or using, but when the living hell of our days get too much. When each day is like groundhog day. When we wake up to pain and misery and struggle through more pain and misery. This only leads to going to bed to a sleepless night of more pain and misery.

Admitting to addiction

At this point we might be prepared to admit we have a disease of addiction. Until then, admitting it would mean we had to consider the permanent solution of giving up. Many could not countenance this. Now, we admit and go through the painful physical process of getting clean. Even with medication, we may still feel the craving and feel ill. But for most of us, in around 2 weeks we can be physically detoxed.

Although, this is not the end of the story. Our problem is not just the drink or the drugs. These were just what we used to escape from the real problem – which is ourselves. We do not want to face up to ourselves so we blur our feelings by getting out of it. We tend to build up resentments more than ‘normal’ people. Also, we hold onto these resentments for a long time. We have thoughts that go through our heads and whirr around at 100 miles an hour. We can easily be restless and discontent if things are not perfect and not done quickly enough for us.

Getting help

By going to Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, the first thing we learn is that we are not alone in feeling like this. We also begin to understand that we are on this earth still – despite in some cases our best efforts to leave it – for a purpose. And that purpose is often to help other suffering alcoholics and addicts. We learn to love ourselves and to love others.

In recovery we come back to life. This is not easy – the same old issues are there as they were in our drinking or using days. The difference is that these days we are able to face those issues and problems without resorting to drink or drugs and knowing that we have our friends in recovery to support us.

We embark on a programme of self discovery and while we come to recognise that we are the problem, we also discover what the addiction solutions are so that we can live with ourselves and grow to love ourselves. We cannot love others if we do not.

If you have a drink or drug related problem, please call or alcohol and drug rehab clinic on 01462 851 414 for confidential help and advice

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