Internet Addiction and Social Network Sites

With an internet connection now being offered to us at every opportunity throughout our daily life, be it on the train, in hotels and restaurants or the constant connection provided by smart phones. Is it possible that we are becoming ever more dependent on such access to help us through each day?

Whilst the internet provides a valuable resource to help people with work and answer queries, its ready availability means a constant access is provided to other, less valuable sites.  For example, social network forums.  With the 24-hour social-life provided by such sites, researchers now regard addiction to sites such a very real problem..  Significantly these sites become more than a source of online networking, providing access to videos, online gambling and other games.

A user can access social network  at a time when they are supposed to be using the internet for other purposes..  The ready availability of a whole other world provides escape.  The nature of the quick connection feeds the addiction rapidly.

Is our use of the internet leading to an abuse of the access it provides?

With social network sites providing an alternative to face to face contact. They provide a perfect way out for those who are anxious or socially insecure. This is only of course a brief relief from personal problems.   A cyclical pattern has been determined in which a user experiences freedom whilst ‘online’. This compels them to return repeatedly to the source of relief. To the extent that it may impact negatively on their work or studies.

With social network sites all providing different services. It is hard to label an addiction to a specific type of networking.  For example, some people become hooked on gaming sites. In particular those which offer a chance to challenge other players, whilst others obsessively update their online profiles or mindlessly follow those of others.  Of course if used correctly, social network sites can provide a forum for attracting popular attention to a new business idea.

Consequences of Social Network

Whilst this is of course a positive aspect of social networking. The reality for many is that the use of such sites leads to some of the same consequences as the use of recreational drugs.  With the internet offering an alternative life. Social network sites appear to provide an escape route. Allowing for the construction of online identities.  The popularity of profiles leads to negative attention. Allowing for the following of other users, with particular reference to Facebook, has been labelled ‘Facebook Stalking’.  The comparison of mindlessly scanning the internet with a crime which evades another’s personal space emphasises the severity of addiction to social network sites.

The internet offers an important source of information. Yet it is important to remember it is an aid to life, rather than designed to create a parallel life which encourages escapism.  Internet and social networking addiction like all forms of addiction carries with it many dangers and negative side effects on someone’s life as a whole.

The Haynes Clinic is an addiction treatment centre offering detox and counselling for all addictions.

Call 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice.

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