How to Stay Sober in Early Recovery – Change Your Routine

I was a drinker who found it very difficult to stop in the environment I was in. There was nothing wrong with it – in fact, materially it was very pleasant and I did manage to stop – several times. But I could not stay stopped. I had not changed myself and the draw of all the places I associated with alcohol was just too strong. I seized any opportunity I could to drink or relapse yet again. In the end, the only way I could get sober and stop drinking was to get completely out of that environment and deal with the problem – which was me.

Once I had done that, I was strong enough to return to my old environment without feeling the same draw to those places from where I had for years obtained my alcohol. It is recommended that we avoid these sorts of places in early recovery.

Change Your Habits

Maybe some other little habits also need changing. If as a drinker you had to have an early morning drink then change your early morning routine so its absence is less noticeable.  If you had a drink on the way to work, change your route into work if possible. Don’t go to the place(s) where you used to have a liquid lunch. Change the place where you have lunch and if necessary the people with whom you eat it. Don’t go to pubs at all. As the saying goes, if you were to visit the hairdressers each day, you would probably end up having a hair cut.

Don’t Go to Pubs – stay sober

The same goes with  pubs – if you keep going in to them, the chances are high that eventually you will have a drink – so don’t! Avoid heavy drinking friends.  If they really care about you they will support you in staying sober and understand that you can’t be around them when they are drinking. If they want your company, they should be able to stay sober for you. Unless they too have a problem with alcohol (and if this is the case, you will not be able to convince them of this until they are ready to be convinced – as you will know from your own experience!)

Recovery First

Apart from changing your daily routine and watching who you mix with, you will find other challenging circumstances and events need to be faced.  Always put your recovery from alcoholism first and if you feel vulnerable, stay away. No one will mind if you cry off attending a party or dinner or just attend for a short time. Especially if they know about your situation and want you to stay well. Be careful about the sorts of holidays you go on – all inclusive ones are not the best idea in early recovery.

Sober – Don’t Have Alcohol in the House

Finally, it is a good idea to have no alcohol in the house in early recovery. We all know that if we want to drink, we will. Having to go out and actually find some means that it is not immediately available and if we find these thoughts entering our heads. At least we have to take a little time before indulging them – and hopefully in that time we will come to our senses.

As the time goes by, you will be a lot stronger and going out and having alcohol in the house. Even going on all inclusive holidays – will not phase you. But be wise in early recovery. Don’t put yourself at risk or set yourself up to fail.

The Haynes Clinic is a drug, gambling and alcohol rehab clinic offering detox and treatment for those suffering from addiction to alcohol, drugs and prescription medication.

Call 01462 851414 for confidential help and advice.

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