How Harmful is Cocaine?

how harmful is cocaine

How harmful is cocaine and what is it? Let’s breakdown what cocaine is before we talk about the short and long term side effects. Cocaine is a very addictive drug that enhances alertness, attention, and liveliness. It is one of the most widely used illicit drugs in the world. Cocaine is often referred to as a stimulant. And it derives from the coca plant. Which is indigenous to South America. Parliament in the UK has classified Cocaine as Class A substance. Due to its harmful nature.

Forms of cocaine

Cocaine comes in several forms. It most frequently is a fine, white powder. It can also be made into a solid rock crystal. Most commonly, individuals using cocaine will snort the powder into their nose. Some rub it onto their gums. Or dissolve it in water and inject it with a needle. Others heat up the rock crystal. And breathe the smoke into their lungs. Other names for cocaine include: coke, snow, Charlie, rock, blow, crack.


How harmful is cocaine and how it works

The drug sends high levels of dopamine to the areas of your brain that regulate pleasure. This accumulation causes strong feelings of energy and alertness called a high. Extreme sensitivity to touch, sound, and sight, intense happiness, anger/irritability, paranoid feeling, decreased appetite, runny nose are some of the short term effects.

Long term effects

  • Headaches
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Heart disease, heart attack, and stroke
  • Mood problems
  • Weight loss
  • Sexual trouble
  • Lung damage
  • HIV or hepatitis if you inject it
  • Bowel decay if you swallow it
  • Loss of smell, nosebleeds, runny nose, and trouble swallowing, if you snort it

How addictive is cocaine?

Cocaine is one of the most addictive substances known to man. Some people get hooked at first use. Others take longer to develop an addiction. Though of course not everyone who tries it gets addicted. For those who get addicted, it is costly. In terms of health, wealth and self worth. It can even cost lives.

Where can I get support?

  • GP. No medicines are approved to treat cocaine addiction. Your GP can refer you to your local drug and alcohol services. Often this can include waiting lists and there being a few select appointments available.
  • Cocaine Anonymous (CA). This is a twelve step fellowship run along the same lines as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It is a free self help group. Where you will meet people who have struggled with their addiction and overcome it. As well as those who are wanting to stop but not yet managed to. You will be introduced to a programme. And will need to get a mentor (sponsor) who will help you with this. And if you regularly attend these meetings and work the programme as advised you could get into recovery from your addiction. Many thousands have done so.
  • 1:1 therapy. You may find it useful to get a 1 to 1 counsellor to talk through your issues. And help you conquer your addiction
  • Rehab clinic. Many people find that while they continue to live their lives they are unable to stop using. So they have to retreat from society in order to put a physical space between themselves and the substance. And get the mental strength they need to stop permanently. They will also get the tools to help them cope with life in the future. And counselling to deal with any emotional and behavioural issues and resentments they may have from the past.

Understand more of the causes and effects of the compulsive use of cocaine.

The Haynes Clinic is a residential rehab clinic that can help you if you are addicted to cocaine. Call 01462 851414 for advice or contact us to find out more.

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