The Dangers of Cutting Agents in Cocaine.

Cocaine is cheaper in the UK than most other European nations. Considering the fact that the UK pays more for alcohol cigarettes and even petrol. In most European states it is somewhat surprising that Britons have access to some of the cheapest blow in Europe. It can be seen that they may not be buying exactly what has been paid for.

Reality of Cocaine

Cocaine brought in from Columbia is cut down to about 65% purity before it enters the UK. Cocaine is cut with Levamisole which has a number of potentially harmful side effects. However it can cause a number of different side effects when administered to people. Many people are allergic to Levamisole.  It can cause difficulty breathing closing of the throat and even the swelling of the lips, tongue and face.

Physical impact

This is evident through the effect that Levamisole has upon the function of people’s bone marrow affecting the ability of the body to fight infections etc. furthermore it can also cause problems with the body’s nervous system including even problems with memory loss.

When cocaine reaches the UK it is generally cut again with benzocaine which is a local anaesthetic. Heightening the numbing effect which cocaine has upon the gums. Benzocaine has even further effects upon the heart including a higher heart rate and effects upon blood pressure.

Cocaine alone is incredibly dangerous. Those who choose to take cocaine are most likely to be aware of the risks of death from overdose. Also the long term effects it has upon the heart. Another concern is the the fact that people aren’t even aware of the other drugs, that they are consuming. Over an extended period of time the negative effects of cocaine alone are dangerous enough. But the effects upon the nervous system and the body’s natural defences to bacteria cause more damage to the body.


Cocaine is dangerous enough on its own without the adverse effects caused by the cutting agents used. It is important for addicts to realise the added effects. In order to understand what they are putting their bodies through. Ultimately it is the prolonged use of cocaine which makes the cutting agents even more dangerous. The most shocking thing is that we don’t know what could be in the cocaine, benzocaine and Levamisole. Due to the constant downward pressure on prices it could cause those distributing the drugs to use even more dangerous cutting agents.

PLease read our page on cocaine addiction in general.

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