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Staying drug free after treatment

Staying drug free after treatment

Treatment can be incredibly important in order to stop abusing drugs. However many people view the four week drug rehab treatment as a one stop shop on the road to abstinence. It is important to understand that in order to stay drug free after treatment there must be a sustained concentration on abstinence. It is incredibly easy to relapse after leaving treatment. However if the recovering addict has a specific preparation it can be avoided.

Spiritual connection

Many feel that a spiritual connection has a remarkable impact upon their efforts for sobriety. There is no specific course; it is an individual effort to recognise in some way a higher power. A sense of spirituality allows people to have a motivation to remain sober. This is because it may give people a reason for living a moral lifestyle. Furthermore anything which allows the addict to realise that there is more to life than drug addiction, will help the individual to abstain from drugs.


Exercise is also very helpful when attempting to stop the abuse of drugs and alcohol. As well as the health benefits associated with regular exercise. When exercising it takes up a large proportion of one’s attention, and thus can be an effective way to take away the focus from their addiction. Β Exercise also releases natural endorphins along with adrenaline which can help to make you feel good naturally. This can be very important when recovering from an addiction. Because of the lows and highs of normal life, and the effect that depression and unhappiness can have upon your recovery. Therefore it is clearly helpful to have a way of escaping the hardships of recovery.

Change in behaviour

The reality is that before treatment an addict’s life essentially revolves around their addiction. From scoring, to getting money to fuel their habit and in the actual process of taking the drugs, their lives revolve around their habit. Therefore when they leave treatment there has to be a considerable change in behavioural pattern. The likelihood is that their friends’ group and life was mainly concerned with their addiction and therefore in order to avoid the temptations of relapse these things have to change.


There will be various things which trigger your addiction, and therefore it is clearly important to avoid them when you have left treatment in order to prevent a relapse. You must stop all behaviour which may lead to drug use. Furthermore relationships can often be difficult. This is because of the fact that it may be important to stop contact with someone who is using when you are not. However it is very important to do so, and encourages them to follow the same path of abstinence.


These principles are incredibly important when attempting to maintain a life without the hindrance of drug use. If you are serious about living a life without drugs then there are difficult decisions that have to be made in order to achieve long term sobriety, but the results will be undoubtedly positive.

If you have a drug related problem, please call 01462 851414 for free confidential advice and help.

staying drug free after treatment

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