Food Obsession

You cannot fix obsessions by being determined not to obsess about something. The problem is within the person and not with the food. It is the same as someone suffering with an obsession with alcohol, drugs or with some other form of compulsive behaviour.

Addictive Foods

People with eating disorders discover the mood altering properties of sugar and white (refined) flour. These two substances are mood altering. They can relieve a feeling of inner emptiness and depression. It is therefore difficult to give up these substances because they will lead to the feeling of emptiness and depression returning. It is just like the alcoholic who has to give up alcohol. They know they cannot any longer live with the devastation caused by drinking – but nor can they envisage surviving without it (this is why the suicide rate is so high amongst alcoholics). Only someone who has had an addiction like this can understand what it is like – the rest of the population cannot have any conception what the obsession, craving and emptiness is like.

Can’t Abstain From Food

As a recovering alcoholic, I was talking to my colleagues this morning about how food addiction must be particularly difficult because, while I can abstain from alcohol, a food addict cannot abstain from food. However, now I have investigated further, I can see that it is not so different and difficult after all. Someone with an eating disorder only has to abstain from sugar and refined white flour. They can eat everything else. Funnily enough, as an alcoholic I can still drink – but not alcohol. Indeed in order to live, like a food addict must eat, so I must drink. I can drink anything but alcohol.

Obsessions Dominate Your Life

An obsession is different from a habit. Habits can be broken. Obsessions totally dominate your life from the moment of waking until you go to sleep. Then when you wake in the night. Willpower is no help.

In the end, the only thing that will help is surrender. We have to recognise that we cannot help ourselves on our own which is where the power of fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous comes in. I could not help myself until I realised could not help myself. We are helped through the fellowship of other people with the same problem.

Addictive Personality

Often an eating disorder is part of an addictive personality and if not dealt with properly, it will lead on to other addictions. This can be exercise, work or shopping, for example, or alcohol or drugs or gambling. An eating disorder is not usually part of a psychiatric illness.

If not dealt with properly, the eating disorder can become an obsession with the latest diet,  or with health foods, vitamins, or digestive disorders.

The Haynes Clinic offers residential treatment for dependency on alcohol, drugs and prescription medication. We can also help with other addictions such as gambling and with eating disorders.

If you have an addiction, please call The Haynes Clinic on 01462 851414 for free and confidential advice and help.


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