Sex Addiction FAQ

Am I a sex and love addict?

Can you answer yes to one or more of the below?

  1. Do you become sexually involved and/or emotionally attached to people you don’t know?
  2. Do you fear abandonment and loneliness?
  3. Do you stay in painful, destructive relationships that leave you isolated and alienated from friends?
  4. Do you fear emotional or sexual deprivation?
  5. Do you involve yourself in one relationship after another? Or more than more relationship at a time?
  6. Do you feel empty and incomplete when you are on your own?
  7. Do you use sex and emotional involvement to manipulate others?
  8. Do you avoid responsibility for yourself by attaching yourself to people who are emotionally unavailable?
  9. Are you enslaved by emotional dependency, romantic intrigue, or compulsive sexual activities?
  10. Do you confuse love with neediness, physical and sexual attraction? The need to rescue or be rescued?

If you have responded yes to one or more of the above call the Haynes Clinic on 01462 851414 for free confidential advice.

How effective is sex addiction treatment?

Sex rehab can be very effective for clients who have accepted that their addiction is a problem and who are willing and motivated to get well. Each client has a personalised treatment plan to ensure that the programme is as effective as possible. Our team of specialists monitor and review each client’s programme and offer additional one-to-one therapy if required. Many people have completed our sex rehab programmes and leave our clinic feeling much more in control of their lives.

Is masturbation allowed during sex rehab?

In most cases, clients are required to abstain from masturbation for at a certain period of time during sex rehab. This depends on each client’s personal situation. Following your assessment, your clinical specialist will explore which behaviours are causing you problems and discuss the way forward with you.

Can I contact family and friends during sex rehab?

You can bring a mobile phone with you to contact family and friends, however you won’t have access to it during the first week of rehab. After this, you will be able to use your phone during your free time. There is no access to wi-fi in your accommodation.

Do you continue to offer support once I have left sex rehab?

Yes, we also offer free aftercare for up to a year after the residential programme has finished to help prevent relapse. This involves face-to-face counselling as well as telephone support.

How do I contact you to discuss treatment?

If sexual addiction is impacting your life and you would like to discuss the treatment options available at our rehab centre, call us today on 01452 851414.

thinking sex

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Speak to one of our fully qualified addictions counsellors, who will get to understand your specific needs and then be able to advise the best way forward for you!

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