What Sort of People Go to Addiction Rehab Centres?
What is a typical alcoholic or addict like? Only a few years ago, if you were asked to describe an alcoholic, then you would probably
What is a typical alcoholic or addict like? Only a few years ago, if you were asked to describe an alcoholic, then you would probably
At The Haynes Clinic, one of the most frequently asked questions before someone comes in is “what happens in rehab?” How soon can I go
We realise we need help There comes a time when those of us with a problem realise that we need help with our alcohol consumption,
How addiction workshops can help For the majority of people, before they are admitted to residential care in an addiction rehab centre, their understanding of
Putting off going to a rehab clinic Generally, although we know we have a problem, denial of the extent of that problem or what we
When do people relapse? Statistics show that if you are going to Relapse then it will normally happen in the first 6 months. If you
Origins of the Programme The 12 Step programme is approximately 90 years old and its origin stemmed from the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous in America.
The Danger of Detox One of the main problems of addiction is “denial.” This denial is not just about the problem that alcohol is causing
People looking for addiction treatments are as likely to be looking for someone they care about as for themselves. Many alcoholics and addicts are unaware
Does rehab cure addiction? The short answer is a disappointing one. Addiction cannot be cured. However it can be treated successfully.
Alcoholics and addicts tend to lie. We lie to protect our habit, we lie because we don’t want you to know what we have been up to.
Rehab centres will vary in their set up. Some may be set up in a clinical way, with accommodation on the same site as the therapy rooms. Many will use 12 Step Programme.
It may be difficult to accept that you can NEVER drink or use again but you know this is right for you because you feel better, the people you love are happier with you and you are a more reliable and useful member of society.
Will I get cured from addiction in rehab? The short answer that you may not want to hear is – no.
Can addicts control their drinking or using? Most people who drink too much or who use drugs to excess will at some point try to control their drinking or using or try to cut it down.
If you are addicted or close to someone who is, there are a number of physical signs of addiction that may become apparent.
If you have been to a private drug and alcohol rehab clinic and completed the programme, one of the things you will have learned is
Why do people go to drug and alcohol rehab? They need to stop drinking and / or using drugs and get well. However, behind this more general answer lies a much more complex one.
Many alcoholics and addicts are pretty strong willed. So why do people relapse?
What is rehab counselling in the clinic like? Many people realise that they need counselling as part of their treatment for their addiction.
So what will happen in a rehab clinic? The first thing to be aware of is that rehab is just that. It is not a holiday or spa treatment.
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